
Welcome to Princeton’s Club Squash homepage! Princeton Club Squash is a no-cut, co-ed club sports club that welcomes players of all (or no) skill level! Join to learn how to play or to compete against other colleges like UPenn and Yale. Here, you can find information about the team–how to join, what we do, and how to get in contact:

  • We hold practices for all levels, from absolute beginners to very experienced players. If you are a Princeton University student, join our list serv for weekly practice times and our GroupMe. We hold beginner workshops often to teach our wonderful sport, with no experience or equipment necessary. Additionally, please fill out our onboarding form if you are interested in joining.
  • We also have a travel team that competes nationally against other Club and Varsity Squash teams around the country, with the goal of competing in Club Squash Nationals every year in February. Our travel team is no-cut, and we hold ladders matches to determine the line-up for our competitive play.
  • We have a variety of team traditions, including weekly dinner at 6:30pm Thursdays in the CJL.

What is Squash?

Squash is a racquet sport played by two players (or four players for doubles) in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball.  Once the ball is served, players take turns hitting the ball against the front wall, above the tin and below the out line and gain points if the ball is not returned. Historically, Squash has been a game of privilege, but Princeton Club Squash is trying to make our sport more accessible to all through our often held beginner workshops that require no equipment or prior training and through subsidized gear. We believe all Princetonians should at least try it once.

Follow us on Instagram @princetonclubsquash!